This is a list of characters appearing in the [[DQN Short Novel|DQN short novel]], in order of appearance. Duplicates have mostly been omitted. == [[DQN Short Novel (Part 1)|Part 1]] == * [[A Panda]] * [[Beady Eyes]] * Honorable Chairman George Bush CXXVIII * Famous assassin George Bush CXXIX * Famous assassin George Bush CXXIX's dead mother * [[Imanouchi|Ran-tan-tan]] * Sexy nurse from pokemon * Franz Kafka with a DRILL PENIS * Lord Catfannerkins (AKA Cat Fanny) * George Bush CXIXX * [[Robopa|Robopa [ ´ɯ`]]] * [[Great Sky Loli]] (GSL) * The editor * The first author * The publisher * [[DQN-kun|Deequn]] * Deequn's darling [[waifu]] * [[( ・ω・)|Clonepa ( ・ω・)]] * [[( ´ω`)|Grandpa ( ´ω`)]] * Ice Cream Clonepa (AKA Clonecream) * Arf * Tristan * Unnamed man with a [[Touhou|peculiarly-shaped hat]] == [[DQN Short Novel (Part 2)|EPILOGUE: Dying Flames of a Dokyun's Heart]] == * Unnamed lonely figure * Claire (AKA 2-Amino-3-(1H-indol-3-yl)propanoic acid-chan, AKA Marisa Kirisame) * Reimu Hakurei * Unnamed Ferengian Twitter user * Mysterious alien * Former [[Gerald Jay Sussman]] (catgirl form) * Unnamed absurdly oversized Canadian * Roger Ebert == [[DQN Short Novel (Part 3)|Part 2: Vultures on the boundary of the river wheel Battle Tendency Electric Boogaloo Stardust Crusaders: EXTREME EDITION:ちんこ+]] == * Dr Robotnik * Unnamed wild Snorlax * 420JEWKILLER666 * 88HITLER_BOI * 69JEWNIGGERS * Sonic the Hedgehog * Knuckles the Echidna * Innocent bystander * Buttcrack Jeffery * Unnamed schizophrenic * Phil Collins * Peter * Takakazu Abe * Masaki Michishita * Gay Gary * Porky Pig * Captain Gay Sparkle * Doctor Fujiwara * Mr DQN Short Novel * One of those magma demons that were raping Sakura in that recent Zone flash (AKA Doctor Fujiwara's estranged brother) * Unnamed mute young girl == [[DQN Short Novel (Part 4)|Chapter Three: Where the fuck is the plunger, and should ▇▇▇▇'s tanooki costume have gigantic balls attached to the front to add realism to it?]] == * ▇▇▇▇ * DQN-kun's mitten * Espeon * Unnamed shadowy figure * Woll Smoth * Wool Smooth * Dewey Cheatham Goldstein * Unnamed wild Bulbasaur * Sean Connery * Dr. Robotnik's PINGAS (AKA Charles) * Unnamed [[VIPPER]] * Unnamed [[dokyun]] * [[Daddy Cool]] * Smug Fathead == [[DQN Short Novel (Part 5)|Part 3, chapter 3 The Legend of Zelda: Phantasy Star Online Chrono Trigger Monster Hunter Blazblue Project Diva: under the moon loli to issho Subterranean Animism]] == * PenPen * IsIs (AKA wretched penis harlot) * Mexican PenPen * Densha Otoko * Mike the Martian mole * The terminator * Sarah Connor * Pedophile overlord Baron von Kidyydiddler * Dr. Robotnik's robot-clone of Sonic * ( ˃ ヮ˂) * [[Rei]] * Richard M. Stallman (eternal president of Freedonia) * Mighty Dongoloid (Stallman's long-lost brother) * St. Shii DCLXVI of Church WWW (leader of Edinburgh Cult of Undead Moé) * Marie Antoinette * Ms. Cho * The narrator (AKA Morgan Freeman) * [[( ゚ ヮ゚)|Mittens ( ゚ ヮ゚)]] * Unnamed young man of Nordic descent * Cardboard cut-out of Keanu Reeves * Jesus Christ * Aphrodite (Greek goddess) * Eris (Greek god) * The second author * The third author == [[DQN Short Novel (Part 6)|Chapter 3: Betrayal in Venice]] == * Unnamed young Venetian boy * Unnamed lonely person * Unnamed lonely person's unnamed father * Unnamed waitress * Satan == [[DQN Short Novel (Part 7)|Chapter 4: It's Always Sunny In Venice]] == * Mr Gray * Mr Gray's unnamed Thai masseuse * Unnamed neko-android * Eddie (AKA Dr Robotnik's elbow) * James Goldstein III * MODD * Mr Gray's unnamed evil twin brother * Unnamed train driver * Unnamed Bamakonian salt miner == [[DQN Short Novel (Part 8)|Chapter 3 Version II: Nobody Cares About Venice]] == * Unnamed last remaining big fat butt * Professor Kleiner * Alistair Xavier Chang-Mortensen III (AKA the GSL's cat) * Unnamed squadron leader [[Category:DQN]] [[Category:literature]]